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M A Patton 1984.                    "Excavation of a Bronze Age enclosure system at La Moye". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 23: pp532 -538.

M A Patton 1987a.                  Jersey in Prehistory. La Haule Books.

M A Patton 1987b.                  "Questioning the fundamentals: the epistemological basis of a social archaeology". Paper presented at World Archaeological Congress reprinted in Journal of Social Studies (Dacca) 36:pp1-18.

M A Patton 1987c.                  "La Moye II, Jersey. Excavations in 1981 and 1984-5". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 24: pp387-392.

M A Patton 1987d.                  "General Pitt-Rivers, Captain Lukis and Channel  Island prehistory". Antiquity 61: pp466-468.

M A Patton 1987e                   "La fin du Néolithique aux Iles Anglo-Normandes". IN Actes du 14e Colloque sur le Néolithique, Blois. pp209-215.

M A Patton 1988a.                  "The Bronze Age settlement of La Moye I, Jersey. Excavations 1981-85". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 24: pp543-566.

M A Patton 1988b.                  "Les enclos protohistoriques de La Moye à Jersey". Bulletin du Groupe Vendéen d'Etudes Préhistoriques 19: pp20-30.

M A Patton 1989a.                  Review of E.M. Brumfiel & T.K. Earle (eds) 1987 Specialisation, Exchange & Complex Societies and J.E. Ericson & B.A. Purdy (eds) 1984 Prehistoric Quarries and Lithic Production. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 26, pp242-244.

M A Patton 1989b.                  Review of J. Guilaine (ed) 1984 L'Age du Cuivre Européen: Civilisations à Vases Campaniformes. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 26, pp265-266.

M A Patton 1989c.                  Review of C. Scarre (ed) 1983 Ancient France. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 26, pp296-297.

M A Patton 1990a.                  "Neolithic stone rings from the Channel Islands" Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 25: pp347-352.

M A Patton 1990b.                  "On entoptic images in context: art, monuments and society in Neolithic Brittany". Current Anthropology 31, pp554-558.

M A Patton 1990c.                  Review of J. Guilaine et al. (eds) 1989 Ornaisons-Médor. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 27, p199.

M A Patton 1990d.                  Review of K. Paddayya 1990 The New Archaeology and Aftermath. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 27, pp233-234.

M A Patton 1991a.                  "Stone axes of the Channel Islands: Neolithic exchange in an insular context". Oxford Journal of Archaeology 10, pp33-43.

M A Patton 1991b.                  "Axes, men and women: symbolic dimensions of Neolithic exchange in Armorica (North-West France)". pp65-79 IN Garwood et al. eds 1991. Sacred and Profane: Proceedings of a Conference on Archaeology, Ritual and Religion, Oxford 1989. Oxford, OUCA Monographs in Archaeology No.32.

M A Patton 1991c.                  "Excavation of a Chalcolithic ritual complex at La Tete des Quennevais, Jersey: an interim report". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 25, pp453-462.

M A Patton 1991d.                  "Dynamics of cultural change in Neolithic communities: an Armorican case-study". Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 27, pp61-85.

M A Patton 1991e.                  "An Early Neolithic axe factory at Le Pinacle, Jersey, Channel Islands". Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 57: pp51-59.

M A Patton 1992a.                  "Megalithic transport and territorial markers: evidence from the Channel Islands". Antiquity 251: pp392-395.

M A Patton 1992b.                  "Entre Cerny et Castellic: le Groupe Pinacle/Fouaillages". Revue Archéologique de l'Ouest Suppl. No.5, 147-151.

M A Patton 1992c.                  "Prehistoric material from La Hougue des Geonnais". pp702-710 in S-J Rault & S Forrest "La Hougue des Geonnais, Jersey, Channel Islands: an interim report on the 1985-1989 seasons of excavation". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 25, 691-710.

M A Patton & O Finch 1992.

"Excavations at La Hougue Bie, Jersey: first interim report". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 25, 632-40.

M A Patton 1993a.                  "The Mesolithic of the Channel Islands: economy and settlement in a changing landscape". Oxford Journal of Archaeology 12, 9-17.

M A Patton 1993b.                  Contributions to D H Keen ed Quaternary of Jersey: A Field Guide. London, Quaternary Research Association.

i) "Neolithic & Later Archaeology" 48-56

ii) "La Motte (Green Island)" 123-124

iii) "La Hougue Bie" 125-130

iv) "Le Pinacle" 142-145.

M A Patton 1993c.                  "Le Pinacle a Jersey: une fabrique de haches polies aux Iles Anglo-Normandes". IN J-C Blanchet, A. Bulard, C. Constantin, D. Mordant & J. Tarrete (eds). Le Néolithique au Quotidien. Paris, Documents d'Archéologie Francaise. 190-194.

M A Patton & O Finch 1993

                                                "Excavations at La Hougue Bie, Jersey. Second Interim Report". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 26, 116-132.

M A Patton 1994a.                  Statements in Stone: Monuments and Society in the Neolithic of North-Western France. Routledge.

M A Patton 1994b                   "Neolithisation and Megalithic Origins in North-Western France: A Regional Interaction Model". Oxford Journal of Archaeology 13, 279-293.

M A Patton 1994c.                  "The Mesolithic site of Le Canal du Squez, St Ouen, Jersey". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 26, 274-281.

M A Patton 1994d                   “Aligning the Avenues” Review of A.Burl 1994 From Carnac to Callanish. Times Literary Supplement 21/10/94.

M A Patton 1995a.                  Neolithic Communities of the Channel Islands. Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, British Series, 240.

M A Patton 1995b.                  "New light on Atlantic seabord passage grave chronology: radiocarbon dates from La Hougue Bie (Jersey)". Antiquity 69, 582-586.

M A Patton 1995c                   "Excavations at La Hougue Bie, Jersey. Third Interim Report". Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 26, 424-432.

M.A. Patton & O. Finch 1995

            "Premières Données sur le Cairn Néolithique de La Hougue Bie à Grouville (Jersey)". Revue Archéologique de Picardie No. Spécial 9, 141-145.

M A Patton 1996a                   "De la Bio-géographie à la Socio-géographie: L'Etude des Sociétés Insulaires". In M. Otte (ed) Nature et Culture. Actes du Colloque International de Liège. E.R.A.U.L. 68, 185-197.

M A Patton 1996b                   Islands in Time: Island Sociogeography and Mediterranean Prehistory. Routledge.

M A Patton 1996c                   "The Phenomenology of the British Neolithic? A Review of J.Thomas Time, Culture & Identity (Routledge 1996)". Archaeological Dialogues 3, 33-35.

M A Patton 1996d                   "La Hougue Bie à Jersey: Transformation d'un Monument du Néolithique à nos Jours". Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Francaise 93, 298-300.

M A Patton 1996e                   "Prehistoric Pottery from Les Ecréhous". In W. Rodwell Les Ecréhous, Jersey. Société Jersiaise. 228-229.

S Journeaux & M Patton 1996

"The Flint Assemblage from Les Ecréhous". In W. Rodwell Les Ecréhous, Jersey. Société Jersiaise. 212-218.

M A Patton 1997                     "The Social Construction of the Neolithic Landscape of the Channel Islands". In P. Topping (ed) Neolithic Landscapes, Oxford, Oxbow Monograph No.86, 41-53.

M.A. Patton 1997                    “Magische Orte”. Merian 3/3/97, 84-93.

M A Patton, W Rodwell & O Finch 1999

La Hougue Bie, Jersey: A Study of the Neolithic Tomb, Medieval Chapel and Prince’s Tower, Including a Report on the 1991-94 Excavations. Société Jersiaise.

M A Patton 2000                     “Blitzkrieg or Sitzkrieg? The Extinction of Endemic Faunas in Mediterranean Island Prehistory”. In R.A. Nicholson & T.P. O’Connor (eds) People as an Agent of Environmental Change (Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology No.16), 117-124.

M A Patton 2001                     “Le Pinacle, Jersey: A Reassessment of the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Horizons”. Archaeological Journal 158, 1-61.

M A Patton & M Finlaison 2001

Patterns in a Prehistoric Landscape: the Archaeology of Les Mielles, Jersey. Société Jersiaise.

D M Hayes & M A Patton 2001

                                                "Proactive Crisis Management Strategies and the Archaeological Heritage". International Journal of Heritage Studies 7(1), 37-58.

M A Patton 2002                     “The Cist Grave Cemetery of La Motte (Green Island), Jersey: Prehistoric or Medieval?” Société Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 28, 252-260.

M.A. Patton 2007a                  Science, Politics and Business in the Work of Sir John Lubbock – A Man of Universal Mind. Aldershot, Ashgate.

M A Patton 2007b                   “Management Education in an International Context: The Experience of the IBSA Programmes”. In H. Meyer & M. Michel (eds) Shaping the Future with International Business Education.  Bremen, Hauschild. 156-163.

K Tyler, M A Patton, M Mongiello & D Meyer 2007

                                                “Guest Editorial – Business to Business Services: Multiple Markets and Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century”. Journal of Services Marketing 21 (5), 295-303.

Mark Patton 2012        Undreamed Shores. Crooked Cat Publications. 
Mark Patton 2013        An Accidental King. Crooked Cat Publications.
Mark Patton 2014       "The Thread that Binds" (short story) in Crooked Cats' Tales. Crooked Cat Publications.

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